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XI and XII Higher Math, Chapter-7(Trigonometrical Ratios of Associated Angles) সংযুক্ত কোণের অণুপাত

XI and XII Higher Math, Chapter-7(Trigonometrical Ratios of Associated Angles) সংযুক্ত কোণের অণুপাত

XI and XII Higher Math Chapter-7Trigonometrical Ratios of Associated Angles (সংযুক্ত কোণের ত্রিকোণমিতিক অনুপাত) Compound Angle such that A+B, A-B, A+B+C, A+B-C etc. Sin(A+B)= SinA.CosB+CosA.SinB Cos(A-B)=CosA.CosB-SinA.SinB Tan(A+B)=(TanB+TanB)/(1+TanA.TanB)

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